Monday, July 25, 2016

Why I Miss My Island Home

I miss my island home. I miss Palau. 
I don't miss the geckos living with me or being so far away from friends and family. 

But I'll tell you what I do miss. The simplicity. 
I thought I lived a pretty simple before I came to Palau, but I was completely wrong. 

Life is simple. 
There are only two major grocery stores to go to. 
Those two grocery stores also have the two major clothing stores upstairs. 
People aren’t glued to their cell phones 24/7. 
There’s no chain fast food restaurants. 
No huge billboards, sporting events, or malls to pull you in.
Pinterest doesn't load well, so its not worth fussing over. 
People pull over to take pictures of sunsets, tourists and locals alike. What a novel concept.

Don't get me wrong, I love cuddling up and watching movies with my hubby, LOADING my pinterest, and walking through cute outdoor malls. But there is a special charm about a simple life that makes things so easy and well, simple!

My teenage niece is so curious and baffled as to how I survived for two years without a cell phone and the mall. True, that it might take some adjusting to, especially if we are born and raised in our Western culture, but it is a beautiful thing.

Sometimes I was tired of wearing the same clothes everyday. But here I have different problems. In Palau, I didn't feel the pressure to dress up every time I went out, something that I feel being back. The grass is always greener on the other side, right?

And so there it is, I miss my simple life. 

Cheers to cleaning out closets, turning off cell phones, and living a more simple life.
Cheers to Palau.


Tuesday, July 19, 2016

N is for Niece

I was 12 years old when I became a Titi (Auntie in Spanish) for the first time. My dad came into my room to tell me that my sister had gone to the hospital and to NOT wake up my brother. Of course as soon as my dad was back in his room, I ran to wake up my brother! Ha! My sister is 10 years older than me, so I learned all about being an auntie very quickly and my summer hobby was watching my little doll grow. :) She's a teenager now. Lord, help us! 

In 2014, I became Titi for the 2nd time. This time it was on my husband's side of the family. I remember the night Giana was born. She was the first grandbaby for my husband's family and so there was MUCH anticipation over this precious little girl. Jeanette (My husband's sister) and I woke up in the middle of the night, retainers and all, to "oo" and "awe" over the pictures being sent to us of the newest and cutest little thing. Her mommy and daddy need to watch out because her blue eyes and cute personality are going to give them a run for their money! LOVE!

This last year while I was in Palau, I got word that my brother and his girlfriend were expecting. I was full of emotion. My little brother! A daddy?! I better start having kids! No, not ready. Ah! A new bundle of joy! What will she/he be like? 

So the months went by and I finally came home and saw the baby bump for myself. Baby was due on June 21. She WAS due, is the key word. 

Instead, sweet baby Emily decided to show up a few weeks early surprising us all, and giving her daddy the best birthday present he ever had. 

I was at my house an hour and a half away when my brother texted me that he was heading to the hospital. We knew that since Emily would be considered "Preemie" that the doctors would take their time, but I still wanted to be there as soon as I could! 

We waited all day in the hospital for baby as she took her SWEET time. She showed up the night before my brothers 22nd birthday and just before Sabbath. Perfect timing. :) 

Look at this sweet little face! 

And so, on this rainy day while I'm stuck in my classroom on summer vacation, I'm thinking of my girls and the joy they bring to me. One day these girls will be beautiful women! I can't believe it. So honored to be their "Titi". 


Friday, July 1, 2016

Post Palau, One Month

The month of June was a whirlwind. There were so many exciting things that happened on both sides of our families and in our own little one. It feels like life has been moving at the speed of light for the last 30 days.

Here's a snippet of what we've been up to:
  • Traveled to Florida, New York, Tennessee, & Maryland 
  • Rented our 1st apartment (Yay!)
  • Went furniture shopping for the first time
  • Went to my childhood friend Joy's wedding!
  • My niece was born!! 
  • Celebrated my brother's birthday 
  • Bought a car (Praise the Lord!)
  • Saw LOTS of cousins
  • Road tripped well over 1,000 miles 
  • Got iPhones after being phone-less for 2 years! 

Jet lag completely kicked our butts for like 2 weeks, but Joey and I finally adjusted to the time change and have enjoyed Chipotle, our new iPhones, and hot water showers thoroughly. My niece is also getting a kick out of teaching me how to use snapchat. What in the world.

We were also super thrilled to move into our very first stateside apartment. We struggled on our first day of apartment hunting and after some serious prayer, the second day brought us just what we needed. I even have a window in my kitchen and a little porch outback. Both were things that were not on our "needs" list, just a purely selfish want, and yet God saw it fit to give it to us! So happy. I love our little place and can't wait to crash there once all our traveling adventures end. Pics of Casa Frescino to come in another post. ;)

The best part about this past month have been the sweet reunions. I've loved the exciting moments where we get to hug friends and family we haven't seen in a long time. There's nothing like it! My heart just fills all the way to the top when I spend quality time with the people I love. And there's still more to catch up with!

We are especially enjoying our nieces. We are finally getting to know our sweet and sassy two year old niece on Joe's side and are absorbing the newness of the new baby niece on my side. Being an aunt is the best thing ever. I love all my nieces to pieces!

Over the past month, I've made a few observations about myself. Life has been too crazy to journal, but I still try to make mental notes when I can to help with the re-entry process.

Some things I've learned about myself:
  • I'm not as good at doing makeup as I used to be two years ago. Darn. 
  • I'm not really sure what my "style" is now that I don't have to wear long skirts all the time. Shorts and a scoop neck are my current go-to. That's all I know. That's also why I haven't rushed to buy a new wardrobe yet. I guess I'll get around to that. 
  • Life in America is very fast-paced. Sometimes it gives me a headache. I kinda get overwhelmed easily. 
  • I don't like my phone on ringer.
  • I also don't leave the data on my phone on. I purposely turn it off. Instagram is way too addicting for me. 
  • I have to fight for my time with Jesus every day.
There have been days that I rushed my time with Jesus in the morning, or maybe even tried to push it to the evening because of my day's busy demands, but those days are always the worst. I've been gently reminded again, that the fullest and happiest life is one that begins with Jesus.

So this has been my first month back. I think of Palau every single day and miss it tremendously. There are a dozen things everyday that remind me of my island home. In a way, I'm thankful that we've been busy. Overall, it's been a crazy adjustment, but we're getting there. One day at a time. :)
