Thursday, March 19, 2015

Let's start at the very beginning

And so The Vine was born.
I've been dreaming about writing a blog for a while now. I started one up about 4 years ago and thought about continuing it, but I felt called to a fresh start.

One thing I quickly remembered as I started brainstorming for the blog is that there is a lot of pressure involved! What is the name going to be, what design should it have, and most of all what image am I trying to portray? With a little help from Jesus I found a theme that not only will fit this blog, but a theme that will stick with me the rest of my life.

John 15:5 says "I am the vine, you are the branches: He that stays in me, and I in him, the same brings forth much fruit: for without me you can do nothing."

I am a newlywed, teacher, missionary, sister, friend, daughter, you name it, and all of those things come with very high demands. (And I'm not even a mommy yet!) Staying connected to Christ (the vine) is in fact the only way I am going to stay sane (and branches!)

But this is not an easy calling. Because all of life's roles are very demanding, it's easy to forget and even ignore the calling to stay connected. My dream for this space is that it can be a reminder to me, and an inspiration to others to stay connected, because I don't know about you, but I have a lot of things I need to get done on the daily, I can't afford to do nothing! 

Aside from that though, I know that ultimately, a life connected to Jesus is a happier and fuller life, I know from experience. It's not about my to-do lists, or my goals that I want to accomplish, it's about living life, day by day, next to the One who knows what's best for me and who can not only get me through the day, but get me through with JOY and HAPPINESS! 

I am excited share my experiences as a wife, teacher, friend, DIY projects, recipes, and life's stories. I hope they can add richness to your life and that we can inspire each other.

Here's to staying connected to the Vine.
- Rachel

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