DARN the media for ruining our beautiful females minds in ways we don't even know. I didn't realize how much the media impacted my own mind until I got married.
Before I got married, I had this dream of filling my newlywed house with pillows from Home Goods and finding the perfect trinkets at World Market to go in my kitchen. I thought I would never get frustrated at my newly-wed husband and always have dinner ready.
But not every wife has dinner ready every night. Not every wife is a cleaning machine. Not every wife has all of her hairs perfectly in place and lips puckered, ready for her husband when he gets home. And all of this is okay. But somewhere in my little mind when I got married, it was not.
(Ladies, am I alone on this one?)
After I got married, I quickly realized that I didn't wake up an Insta-wife.
I was trying to juggle a new culture, job, friends, church activities, a husband, and a home without breaking a sweat. Yeah right. (There go the unrealistic Hollywood dreams sneaking in!) Luckily my sweet mother-in-law reminded me that sometimes kitchens are messy and that tomorrow is another day.
Praise the Lord that over time, I learned to be patient and a little kinder to myself as I'm learning how to adjust to my new role and fit everything in its new place. I learned to be more grateful for the little accomplishments and not to let the little things ruin my day.
I'm so glad that being a wife isn't something that is "instant." I have learned and grown so much this past year and wouldn't take back the tough days that taught me what I know now. It's taken me months to be okay with that though! Now, after being married for almost 10 months (whoop, whoop!), I am way more confident, comfortable, and happy with my new role as a wife. And the best part is....that I absolutely LOVE it. :)
This insta-wife thing got me thinking about another area of my life that I expected to be "instant", and that's my relationship with God. I've been learning to rely on God in a whole new way since I've been married. I treasure the quiet mornings I can steal away for my prayer and journal time, but some days it doesn't seem like enough. I should be the perfect Proverbs 31 woman. I should be more spiritual by now. I should do Pathfinders, Youth Vespers, Sabbath School, Sabbath afternoon activities (God forbid I need a REST), and never be overwhelmed or stressed. Yikes...that is not me. And where are all of these crazy expectations coming from?!
I get so frustrated when I fall short. But luckily, no beautifully, God is grace.
And boy do I need a truck load of it everyday. God doesn't expect us to have it all together and perfect in order to come to Him. If He did, we wouldn't have needed His sacrifice. He came to set us free. Free from all of the crazy expectations and things that stress me out. He gives me grace.For sin shall not be your master, because you are not under law, but under G R A C E.Romans 6:14
He gives YOU grace.
My prayer is that we can all continue to grow day by day, in His grace.
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