Last week marked a week since I left Palau. I have thought of it every day.
It pops in my mind when I see the ABUNDANCE of fresh fruit at the grocery store, when I take my hot shower every day, and pretty much every time I'm in a crowded place.
The hardest and most common question I’ve gotten since I’ve been back has been:
How was Palau?
That’s a loaded question. Where do I even begin? Usually this question comes in passing and theres no WAY I could tell you all about Palau in just a matter of seconds. So my short answer is this: it was a beautiful, challenging, biggest growing experience I’ve had in my life yet, and I wouldn't give it up for the world.
After the first question usually comes the second one,
How do I feel?
That’s another loaded question. I’ve felt angry, sad, and anxious. There have been moments when I've felt a little bit like a stranger in my own place. Sometimes its a little bit lonely and you wish that you could bring Palau to your family and friends so that they could truly understand what you’re feeling.
One thing is for certain, this past week has been a whirlwind.
My family picked us up at the airport with their big smiles and welcome back sign. They’re so cute. We took lots of pictures and talked all over each other like hispanics do and it was fantastic. :) We went to bed way past midnight and woke up at lunch time the next day. Hello, jetlag.
On our 2nd day back, we went to Target, World Market, Forever 21, and the grocery store. Whoa. I didn't have a meltdown, but I definitely felt the difference with all the visual stimulation and amount of STUFF around me. I haven't purchased more than 5 items of clothing in the last 20 months! Never thought that would ever happen! In Palau, we didn’t have much, but when I stepped into the store I didn’t feel like I needed to buy anything. But the minute I stepped into a store in U.S., I felt the itch to buy things! And I didn’t need any of it! Yikes. I honestly can’t wait to update my wardrobe, but come on, guys. Can I get a little less pressure on my wallet? I just got here!
One of the best things about this week has been spending time with my family. Time with them is so, so precious and I can’t imagine I survived so long without them! They have given Joey and I the most patient listening ears. They listen to all of our stories and look at our pictures without ever complaining. My mom gets a kick out of every little little Palauan trinket I show her, and it means the world to me. She told me that every time she went to World Market last year, she’d go to the world globes and turn it to Palau to give it a little kiss and send up a quick prayer. How stinking sweet.
I also got to visit some friends this week and it did LOTS of good for my spirits. We had fun laughing and screaming, hugging and catching up, even if it was just for a short time. Coming back and feeling like you have no friends is a real fear when coming back from the mission field, and so feeling loved by friends meant a lot to me.
Joey and I started also started the very intimidating, very exciting task of hunting for a place to live! We had our ups and downs, and learned a few lessons, but ended it on a very good note. We’re praying and trusting that things will work out just how God wants them to.
Overall, I still have lots of adjustments ahead of me, but I’m happy that I’m back.
To end our first post week, we are traveling up north to visit Joe’s family. Cheers to more sweet reunions and re-entry adventures.