Thursday, December 10, 2015

The Grinch Who Almost Stole My Christmas

Earlier this week my husband checked with the local store to see if they had any real Christmas trees. In Palau, these shipments come and go fast. They told us we couldn't pre-order but to come back on Wednesday. So, my husband rushed over as fast as he possibly could, since we were both working and used his free period at lunch to check for Christmas trees on Wednesday. All sold out.

He dropped by my classroom to let me know and I wanted to cry.

No Christmas tree? How was it supposed to feel like Christmas without a tree, without hot chocolate, without scarves and boots, without the mall, without friends and family? Something wild possessed me. I wanted to take every little bit of Christmas that I HAD set up, down. I wanted nothing to do with Christmas and hence my crazy Facebook post. Exhibit A: don't post things when you are emotional, kids.

But for some of the kids in my class, this is their Christmas every year. They don't need a tree. They don't know anything about Black Friday and Christmas shopping at the mall. Forget hot chocolate and warm clothes, it's too hot for that nonsense.

And then a moment of clarity came to me. (Praise the Lord) Is it really only Christmas if I have those things?

Yikes. I felt like I was in an alternate ending of the movie The Grinch (my favorite). In the end, the people still came together, sang, ate, and enjoyed each other's company, even without all their stuff. But the Grinch would've stole my Christmas if I lived in Whoville! I wouldn't be one of those happy people singing around the tree at the end of the movie. Yikes again.

Ashamedly, I have to admit, Jesus was not the reason for my season. Having almost all the "traditional" Christmas things taken away from me, I felt like it didn't matter, and became a Grinch. Oh, how Satan wants us to be so consumed that we lose focus on the real gift this Christmas.

But I'm so glad I've come around. And now this quote from my favorite Christmas movie is even sweeter.

"It came without ribbons! It came without tags! It came without packages, boxes, or bags! Maybe Christmas, he thought, doesn't come from a store. Maybe Christmas, perhaps, means a little bit more." 

Christmas will come without ribbons, tags, packages, and bags. Christmas will come because HE is the reason for the season. My husband has joked to me about cutting down a tree for us this year instead. But whether or not that happens, I'll be just fine. :)

May your Christmas spirit be found in the love, joy, and hope of the sweet, baby Jesus this holiday season.

Saturday, October 31, 2015

There's a Snake in my Boot

Saturday morning for me consisted of Ibuprofen and Bible reading from my bed. My husband insisted that I acknowledge my throbbing throat and stay in bed for the morning instead of go to church.

As I was reading through 1 Kings, I heard a plastic bag rustle. I lifted my head up expecting to see a gecko crawling through the cracks of my window like normal. Instead to my surprise it was a SNAKE. A dark gray, blue bellied snake as long as my arm but not much fatter than a ballpoint pen.

I jumped out of bed and stood by the entrance to my bedroom as far away from the snake as possible. Without much thought, I ran next door to my neighbor's house who has caught some snakes on campus before. Never mind that I was still in my pajamas. This was an emergency. But of course, no answer. No luck.

I went back into my room and realized I might have made a huge mistake if the snake had moved from where I left him. I did a quick scan to find the intruder. Still on the second shelf of the shoe rack, just winding his way through my sandals. Gross. I called my mom from inside my house. Wifi miracle! (I ALWAYS I have to outside to make phone calls)

She was surprised to get a call from me at that time too.
Me: "Mom! There's a snake in my room!"
Mom: "What?! How big is it?! Where are you?!"

After giving her the run-down and letting her know I wasn't going to get eaten or poisoned, I told her I'd snap a picture and keep her updated. I looked at the time. Probably another 30 minutes before my husband would be back home. And so the stare down began. I wasn't leaving cause I didn't want to risk losing sight of this snake. There was no way I was going to let it freely wander my bedroom.

I went over my options:
1) Throw a blanket over it to keep it from moving all over.
Mom's suggestion, not a bad idea. But what if I miss?!
2) Get him on a broom out of the house.
Crocodile Hunter style. Very brave move. I would definitely earn points from the hubby.
3) Stare it down until my husband gets home.

Option 3 it is. I'm basically pro at killing roaches and spiders, but snakes are another ball game, and although I wasn't in tears, I felt like I was facing a Cobra or a Rattle Snake, and that was enough to keep me on my bed.

Hearing Joey's car come chugging down the hill was music to my ears. He was equally surprised and not sure how to catch the slithery visitor. After minutes of trying to coax him out of the door and a brief moment of anxiety..... "I don't now where he went, I think he's under the bed!" The snake peacefully went out of the door to its real home.

So my friends, if you live on an island you might want to check to see whats making that weird noise. It just might be a snake.


Sunday, October 25, 2015

Seek Ye First

One of my favorite songs to sing and play on my ukelele is Seek Ye First...

Seek Ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness
And all these things shall be added unto you. Allelu, Alleluia 

I have to be honest, the first thing I seek at 6 a.m. every morning is a shower and food. But one day I started mindfully singing the words to this song instead of just mindlessly singing and I felt like I got hit with a wave. I kept singing it over and over.

This song is a promise. It is also a simple formula for those of you who like math. Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and all these things shall be added unto you.

"All these things shall be added unto you." What things? I had to look it up. In Matthew 6:25-32, Jesus is talking about how the birds never worry about what they will eat and how flowers are so splendidly dressed. If Jesus takes care of these small things in nature, how much more will he take care of you?

If you first seek Jesus, everything will be taken care of for you.
I don't think this literally means that you can't brush your teeth before you spend time with Jesus. But it's about the principle and priorities. Do you give Jesus your last tired minutes of the day? The crumbs? I know I'm guilty of that. But if we put Him first in our lives, things will fit together much better. And if the promise to take care of all our needs is not enough, He gave us verse 33.

"For do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." Matthew 6:34

Basically He's telling us, "Stop stressing. Let me take care of you." Such a wonderful promise that I know I'll be clinging to today.

Seek Jesus my friends...He will provide everything you need.


Tuesday, October 13, 2015

The Truth about Angels

Recently, I’ve started reading a book called The Truth About Angels by Ellen White. My husband had shared some interesting tidbits he found with me and so I decided to take it up for myself about two weeks ago.

The truth about angels is shaking. I always knew I had a guardian angel and that they looked out for me. But this is no cutesy little angel with a glowing halo that sits on your shoulder lounging. This angel goes to war for you every single day. They are by your side fighting for you.
“You are not alone in the warfare against wrong. Could the curtain be rolled back, you would see heavenly angels fighting with you.” TA 19.2 
There are angels sent to guide, protect, and comfort me wherever I go. What a crazy thought. What a comforting reality.

Angels aren’t just there to help you break your fall, they are there fighting the invisible hatred and nastiness. If only we could see through the veil and the many times throughout just one day, that our angel has been there for us, I think we would have a whole different perspective on life.  

You are not alone. Be strengthened and put your hope in Jesus.
God has given you heavenly angels, and they angels are fighting with you.
"The one who reigns forever, He is a friend of mine. 
The God of angel armies, is always by my side." 
Chris Tomlin
Whom Shall I Fear by Christ Tomlin gives me chills. Give it a listen. 

Prayers, Rachel  

Friday, October 2, 2015

What I love about living in Palau

This week Palau celebrated its 21st birthday!
Palau was established on October 1, 1994. Thursday we had the day off from school to celebrate. In honor of this wonderful holiday, I thought I’d post some things I love about living in Palau. J

Let’s get the obvious out of the way—Palau is beautiful.
The water is the bluest I’ve ever seen in my life, the sunsets are the most vivid, and the stars….believe me-- you’ve never seen this many. And if that wasn’t enough, God formed these crazy mushroom-shaped Rock Islands that would end up being one of my favorite places in the world. I’m so glad He did. 

Simple Living   
I hate slow internet, but I LOVE not being bombarded by media. I love not feeling like I’m not keeping up with certain trends or like a couch potato. (I can MARATHON my favorite TV shows all day long…don’t get me started) Life is so much simpler in Palau. I’ve been able to realize what I actually NEED in order to be happy. I need LESS! Watch an episode of Veggie Tale’s, Madam Blueberry and see what got her so blue. Less is more. J

There are many people who have touched my life while living here and I greatly appreciate them all. When you live in a foreign country, every smile, hug, and kind gesture counts. Palauans will give love like none other.

My job
Teaching is something I know God called has me to do and being in paradise while doing it is even more rewarding. The students here are always so excited to meet their new teachers and shower them with so much love. The SDA School here is wonderful and I couldn’t ask for a more special place to work than Palau.

Too Much Fun
Last but not least, Palau is too much fun. As I’m sure you can tell from my pictures. The beauty and adventures are endless and the company is always God-sent.

xo, rach 

Thursday, September 24, 2015

The Island of Ngemeliis

I FINALLY got good enough internet to upload and save pictures to this post, so here it is!!

Labor Day weekend the teachers and staff at the SDA Schools here in Palau all got together for the yearly Spiritual Retreat. We take the time to refocus and re-energize by escaping to the beautiful island of Ngemeliis in the Rock Islands.

Ngemeliis is literally the paradise you have always imagined. The Palauan blue water, the sunsets, the palm trees, the coconuts. Whoa, the coconuts. There are coconuts on every palm, ripe and ready to drink. Shout out to Mr. Paloma. The man could be on survivor and win the whole thing. He got down all the coconuts we wanted that weekend--thank you!

Most of all, I love unplugging and recharging with Jesus. Being in the middle of nowhere, under thousands of stars, always brings my wandering heart back to Jesus.

Sabbath afternoon we lathered up in sunscreen and walked around the island. On the walk, we took a hike up to the Ranger's Station and got an amazing Bird's Eye view of the island right as the sun was beginning to set. I'm a sucker for warm breezes and breathtaking views. It reminded me of when I climbed to the top of the Duomo in Florence, Italy in 2011. TAKE ME BACK.


You would think that living on an island, thousands of miles away at sea, without a TV and much internet, you wouldn't be very distracted. And it does help to refocus your life, but distractions happen to everyone. 

Sitting under thousands of stars made me feel so small. And yet, I had to remember that the God who spoke stars also holds me with His mighty hands. If He can hold the universe in place, He can sure take hold of my crazy little universe I call my life. 

I'm so glad that I had the chance to escape from our little town of Koror and the busy life of a teacher, to find my quiet place with Jesus. 

Look for Him in everything. 
Find your quiet place with him. 

xo, rachel 

Monday, September 7, 2015

Classroom Tour, Beginning of the Year

I am so excited for this post! I've been dying to share pictures of my classroom. My classroom is my pride and joy. It's where I love to work. I take so much joy in creating student-friendly environments and I am ecstatic that I got to bring a little bit of that to Palau this year. 

This is my darling Reading Corner. I made a "bookshelf" out of the podium in my classroom and have a basket on the side for our NEW books! A HUGE thank you to Kathy and her class for donating 20+ wonderful books for my kids to dig in to! They are PUMPED!

On the wall are anchor charts to help guide their reading. I have up Fiction and Non-Fiction posters, how to read with Stamina, Making Connections, and a "Reading is Thinking" poster. I found all of these brilliantly colorful and helpful posters on Pinterest. Get some markers out, turn on some tunes, and get coloring! These posters make GREAT mini-lessons.

This is the Writing Center. The 5 posters on the right teach different Leads that they can start their writing with. The TAG poster is a Partner Conferring acronym, teaching students how to give helpful advice on someone's writing. The black chart on the right will become their Writing Goals where they can choose what area of growth they want to focus on for the day in their writing. 

Here is an up-close of the Writing Center table. There is a cup full of pens for colorful editing and proofreading and mechanical pencils so their writing doesn't have to skip a beat. A clip board is there to help suit the writer who loves to work on the floor. I put cards and envelopes in the baskets so they can practice writing and sending letters and writing prompt cards on a ring if they are stumped. The "Wreck This Journal" is strictly for fun. :) 

Here is what this part of the room started as...Thank you Jesus for inspiration!

Xo, Rachel

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

I Sought the Lord

I sought the Lord, and He answered me, and delivered me from all my fears.
Psalms 34:4

I remember being 4 years old with my eyes tightly closed and sweaty hands clasped together, reciting this verse. This was the first bible verse I remember learning. My mother said it at the end of every prayer. No matter who was praying, at the end of each prayer, we would all join together in saying this verse.

I recently found a watercolor painting of this verse and used every random minute of free time I had this weekend to paint my own.

Inside of this verse are 3 beautiful promises that I will always cling to:

The Lord answers me.
I sought the Lord and he answered me. God doesn’t just listen, he answers. He’s never too busy for me.

The Lord will deliver me….
He will. That is His promise.

from ALL of my fears.
Not some of them. Not the ones that He finds worthy…but all of my fears. As a kid, this part of the verse meant so much to me. But even now as an adult, it means even more. As adults we fear and worry about our parents growing old, loss of friendships, the well-being of our children, safety, economic and financial fears and worries, the list goes on and on.
The Lord delivers us from all of them.

Seek the Lord. Let Him deliver you from all your fears. 

XO, Rachel 

Sunday, August 30, 2015

The First Two Weeks of School

Hello (almost) September!! School is officially in full swing and summer is over.
Luckily, I live in a place where "summer" never really ends. :)

My first two weeks of school were a blur! Teachers spend so much time preparing for that first day--it's nerve wrecking! I checked my lesson plans at least 101 times, made sure everything was in place, and had the craziest dreams the night before school started. I was a wreck. But despite all the nerves, it was a good day!

This year I am teaching 18 lively 4th graders! Right now we are learning how to follow procedures quickly and quietly to make the most of our learning time. I've introduced them to the Reading Corner and Writing Center and they literally are ITCHING to get in there! I had a little extra fun this year because I was able to put together a cute little welcoming Reading Corner and a Writing Center that I wasn't able to have last year. (pictures of everything coming soon!)

Also, the new missionary teachers here really hit the ground running with just about a week to prepare and learn how to be a teacher from lesson planning to behavior management. They ROCKED it!

Every year, the SDA mission schools in Micronesia rely on people who are willing to serve and commit for a year to teach. If you feel a calling to go, GO!

I couldn't do my job without Jesus. He is my teacher and instructor and the one who gives me patience when mine has long run out. I am thankful to have a job that I love and that He can shine in everything that I do. Bring on the school year. :)


PS- Tune in soon for some classroom pictures!

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Teaching with 5 Loaves & 2 Fish

This week all of the teachers have been preparing for school to start on MONDAY (yikes) and it has truly been a blur. Every morning and evening the missionaries get together to have a worship. Lord knows we all need it. 

The other day one of the missionaries shared a worship thought on Jesus feeding the 5,000. It was so beautiful that I almost choked up and felt the need to share it again in my own words. 

If you grew up with the Bible, you are probably familiar with the story of Jesus feeding the 5,000. If you didn't and even if you did, let's do a quick summary...

Jesus had drawn away to a private place after some earlier events in Matthew 14. But Jesus was loved by the people and they followed him. Having the big heart that Jesus had, when he saw them, he had compassion on them, and healed the ones who were sick. 

As evening was approaching, Jesus' disciples urged him to tell the people to go home. They needed to eat, and there was obviously nothing here for a crowd that big (5,000+). But again, Jesus insisted that the people stay. Maybe there was some food in the crowd. So he sent his disciples to go into the crowd and search for food. 

(I'm sure they searched half-heartedly. I mean, come' on.) So they came back to Jesus with 5 loaves of bread, and 2 fish. Definitely not a buffet fit for 5,000 people. But Jesus blessed the food and began breaking bread and dividing it into baskets to feed the people. 

After the disciples had gone around to distribute the food, they came back with TWELVE full baskets. LEFTOVERS. The people were FULL. Just off of 5 loaves and 2 fish. The Bible says that "They all ate and were satisfied." Matthew 14:13-21 

I still can't wrap my mind around how such little food fed so many people. I'm thinking about the little food in my cupboard right now and am fighting anxiety--I need to go grocery shopping! 

But seriously...this story speaks to not only God's amazing power and compassion for people, but of His ability to do amazing things, with whatever we may have. 

I am starting my 3rd year of teaching and I still feel like my knowledge and efforts add up to 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish. Put on top of that the fact that I work in a mission school where mentors and resources are very far and in-between, and sometimes just not available. I feel like there's no way I can feed or teach 20 students this year. It would take a miracle. 

Can God really do something amazing through me in my classroom and in my life with my measly efforts? My faith tells me the answer is YES. And I need to remind myself of that daily. God can do amazing things with you no matter what you have going for you. Whatever you have is more than enough for Him to work with. Single mom? He'll be by your side. Financial pinch? He'll make it stretch. Hurting heart? He has just the thing for that. 

Give God your 5 loaves and 2 fish. Allow Him to bless it. Watch Him multiply what you have and satisfy your life. He can do miracles. 

What will He do with your 5 loaves and 2 fish? Give it to Him, wait and see. 


Wednesday, August 5, 2015

You Know You're a Missionary When...

Last week I asked my missionary friends on Facebook to finish the rest of this sentence:
"You know you are a missionary when..."

And they came up with the funniest stuff! Here you will read about all the hilarious, sad, and in-betweens about being a missionary.

A big THANK YOU to all my missionary friends who helped contribute to this post! If I had written down all of them this post would be a mile long! I hope you laugh and can peak into the life of being a missionary and choose to be one too--wherever you are.

You start to pick up on what the "locals" do. 

You have to stop in the middle of the road for the baboons to cross.

Your self-acclaimed pet is a gecko.

It feels like Christmas morning whenever you get a package.

You can shower, cook dinner, and grade papers all in the time it takes for an internet site to load.

Even on your lowest days, you know your heart is full. 

You realize that your heart lives in 2 countries. You'll always have a fondness for your mission spot that words can really never describe...

You're lonely. 

Taco Bell from Guam is the highlight of your month.

You randomly blurt out food from back home. 

Your best nights are spent out under the stars in a hammock with mosquito repellent caked on your body. 

You've been stretched and challenged beyond what you ever thought you were capable of. 

You start using words like "aircon." 

Something as small as a packet of Taco Bell hot sauce makes you feel connected to home. 

You've been wearing long skirts...for a long time now...

You have to keep an eye out for gazelles on your morning run.


You complain about things and wish you can go home, and then when life gets stressful you want to go back. 

A sincere "Thank you Miss" at the end of a heartfelt conversation feels like the only reward you'll ever need. 

You finally accept that life is crazy, and you may not always have running water or electricity, but you have each other and that is enough. 

When the ocean, sunrises, or sunsets are colors that you can't describe or accurately take pictures of, but they are perfectly burned into your minds eye. 

Beautiful People

Well, I am back in Palau!
I've been itching to blog since the minute I got here-- I have so many things I want to share!  Can't wait to pump them out! :)

Somewhere in between 4 long flights, multiple security checks, and many long lines on my way to and from the motherland (USA) this summer, I had a thoughtful moment: People are beautiful.

The awesome thing about airports is that people from all over the world gather in this one little hub to go on their next journey. Each person that comes has a life, people they love, and a place in society. We marvel at how snowflakes are all different and how two zebras will never have the same pattern of stripes. But how often do we marvel at ourselves? 

So I decided to check out people (in the least creepy way possible). I stopped to soak in the diverse pool of beautiful people around me in the Guam Airport: Asian, Chamorro, Palauan, Hawaiian, Filipino. Big eyes, slanted eyes, soft eyes, and darker-than-night almond eyes. No two people were the same. 

I stopped to look for the beauty in each face, and soon remembered that my vision is flawed. I can only see skin-deep. But God...God can see that person's beautiful soul, right down to the core. He made every person with passions, desires, talents, and dreams. He made every person with a purpose. (Jeremiah 29:11) 

When I look at people like this, like the beautiful people they are, as valuable, precious, God-breathed and purpose-filled people, something inside me stirs. Something stirs me to be a little kinder, a little more patient, a little more loving. I want to remember that each person, is a handmade, carefully crafted, personal extension of God's heart. 

How could I not be amazed?

"WE are God's workmanship..." 
Ephesians 2:10

Friday, July 31, 2015

Five Freebies from Teachers Pay Teachers!!

There is nothing my teacher heart loves more than Teachers Pay Teachers and FREE things. Aren't all teachers that way? ;) So here I've put together 5 of my favorite summer finds from Teachers Pay Teachers. And yes, they are all freebies. :)

Number One

This is one of the first projects I did this summer. These cards have every kid-friendly persuasive topic under the sun. I love them because the cards are a good size, there are PLENTY of topics, and it's a FREEBIE! Can't get any better than that! My kids are going to have a blast with them come persuasive writing time. Get yours here ! // Blair Turner

Number Two

I'm a stinker for chevron print so of course I had to include these adorable, FREE, and editable binder covers from Teachers Pay Teachers. Being successful starts with being organized! It's great because I can be color-coordinated and cute without breaking the bank on new binders just because of the design. Print yours here! // A Year of Many Firsts

Number Three

I've got your first day covered! Scare away the jitters and give your students some LOVE on the first day of school or open house with these cute tags and themed gifts to go along! These tags are not the ones for the freebie, but you get the concept. ;) Can't wait to see my kids shine! Can you?! Get them now, here! // Tucker's Mama

Number Four

This next one will give the kids some hands-on Language Arts learning action. I love this freebie because it comes with some neat stuff for your writers to stick in their notebooks as well as a center that will help them practice their punctuation and grammar when it comes to dialogue. Sounds good to me! Click here. // Kristine Nannini

Number Five

This last one is such a great set to have. These tricky words will no longer confuse the kiddos once they are taught and then reinforced with these colorful and helpful posters. They're gonna love it! ;) Get it here! // Primary Polka Dots

There are literally so many good things on Teachers Pay Teachers- I absolutely love that site! I will definitely be posting more of my favorites this year as I am in Palau. :)

Thanks for popping by!
xoxo, Rachel

**Disclaimer: I am NOT the creator of any of these freebies that I have listed. Credit goes to the authors listed in the post. Find more of their awesome work by clicking on the links that will lead you to their personal shops. Happy shopping! :) **

Monday, July 20, 2015

Summer Happenings

Summer is just breezing on by!!
Let me just say that I LOVE summer. My Florida heart sings to be free from responsibilities, to wander in my favorite stores, and to soak up the sun. I also took a little hiatus from blogging in case you didn't notice, ha.

From the day I started my summer vacation, I traveled across the world back to the good ole' USA, met up with some friends, and got to see my beloved family I haven't seen in ten months. Sweet, sweet times.

But I've still got a few weeks left of summer so I am going to SOAK IT UP!

Here are just some of my favorite snapshots of the summer thus far. (Because everyone would hate me if I put everything on Instagram.) ;)

my brother repping Palau. 

the sweetest, funniest, grandparents I ever did have.

being artsy fartsy. 

hey momma! 

if you find a gem of a friend like her, you don't let them go.

baby LOVE! 

selfie with the hubby. 

my beautiful sister & momma-in-law. 

celebrating our one year anniversary!

brothers make life more fun. :)

I've got lots more pictures to take and people to love. 
until next time! 

Friday, July 17, 2015

5 Things I Learned My 1st Year of Marriage

I recently celebrated my one year anniversary with my hubby (woot, woot!). We had a little stay-cation in Florida that included Jet Skiis, Disney, amazing food, lots of relaxing, and all that other good stuff. ;)

I took some time to think back on this year and some of the most important things I learned, hence this post of 5 things I learned my first year of marriage. :) Enjoy!

Marriage is like a mirror.
Being married has taught me to reflect and it has shown me some of my strengths as well as weaknesses and areas of growth (yikes). But, it's great to be married to someone who will help you grow through the tough patches and help you be your best. And of course you are there for him too. :)

Marriage is not like the movies. 
Praise the Lord that it's not! My marriage is real- not filmed in segments, and has a Divine director with the best script (plans) written for the couple. Don't compare your marriage to what happens in the movies, sitcoms, or what you see from your friends marriages on social media.

I am still myself. 
Let me just clarify and say that I never didn't feel like myself. My husband always nourishes my personality and encourages me to do the things I love. But being married is different from being single and it's a role you might not have played before. It might be weird. You might wonder where you went. But you are still here! You are still beautiful you, with just another amazing, fun, role you get to play, a wife. What a blessing. :) I love sharing who I am and the things I love with my husband. We don't have to be clones of each other, we can still be ourselves, and that is a wonderful thing.

YOU are a GOOD thing. :)

A man who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor from the Lord. 
Proverbs 18:22 

We are a gift to each other. 
I am so grateful for the gift of marriage! I always have a friend to talk to, someone to cuddle with, and a shoulder to lean on. God created a beautiful thing when he created marriage. Recently, J (my husband), and I have made it a point to ask each other everyday, "How can I serve you, today?" Being married means that I get the opportunity to be a blessing to the man God put in my life and bringing joy to him. The question "How can I serve you today?" is all about being a gift and a blessing to each other.

Time with my husband, by myself, and with my God, is important. 
I love me some quality time with my husband, but I wasn't much of a "me time" girl until after marriage. (Quality time is my love language, hands down.) At first my extroverted-self felt a little guilty for sneaking away for a ukelele jam session, or for a minute to write in my journal. But then I realized that time alone is not a bad thing and it doesn't mean I love my man any less. If anything, I appreciate him more! Take time to take care of yourself. Your husband will be glad you did. :) And lastly, time with God. This isn't always easy, but when I realized my happiness truly stems from time with Him, I started making it a priority. Being connected to God fills my cup and lets it overflow to my loved ones, including my husband. :)

With much love,

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Inside Out

My sweet husband delighted in the little girl in me and took me to see Inside Out yesterday afternoon. I was so excited. It was such a cute little movie and I just have to give my take on it.


The story is about a sweet girl named Riley whose life has been filled with mostly good, mostly joyful memories. But Riley faces some emotional challenges when she moves to a new city, new school, and new house. 

Her emotions are portrayed by Joy, a joyful spunky thing who is (mostly) always in charge and keeps Riley happy. Fear keeps Riley safe, Disgust gives Riley some sass, Anger is in charge of the temper and of course Sadness, well, sadness seems to never have a place and to only makes things sad...or so it seems. 

During the movie, Joy and Sadness get lost deep inside Riley's mind as she's struggling with all of her tangled and hurting emotions, which leaves Disgust, Anger, and Fear to control Riley's mind. (Yikes) Joy's main priority is to keep Sadness from ruining anymore joyful memories and to get back to headquarters where she can make Riley happy again. But eventually Joy realizes that acknowledging what's making Riley sad might actually helpful in making Riley feel better...

It's important for our kids and society to realize that sadness is OKAY! Not every situation in life calls for joy and exuberance. Sadness, anger, fear, disgust, and even joy, all have their place. Kids need to know that their emotions aren't some freak happenings in their body, but a gift from God to feel and to have a heart. 

I'll admit there's been plenty of times when I'm sad that I make a list of things I'm thankful for. Sometimes making that list can be hard though. I mean, hard times are hard for a reason aren't they? Well, watching this movie made me realize this: when I make a list of things I am thankful/happy for, I'm not denying sadness or anger or any hurt that I may have felt that day. But I'm trying to acknowledge that maybe there can be some joy in every day and am choosing to hold it tight.

"Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you." 
1 Thessalonians 5:18 

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

While I am Waiting

I am currently waiting. It seems like the line goes around the corner, out the door, and around the block. The greatest part about it is that the line doesn't seem to budge. I check my watch every few minutes, peeking around the corner to see if the line has moved.

Ever been there before?
Waiting for that job, the new baby, the word from the doctor, the money to come in...we all have seasons of waiting. Taking a number in a room full of people doesn't necessarily make my heart soar.

My husband and I are currently seeking God to make some decisions and plans for our lives and we feel like we are waiting. Somewhere between my stress and anxiety about all this, I remembered that the Bible has something to say about it. So since I was waiting (pun intended)...I decided to check it out.

What amazes me is that God KNEW we humans, particularly me, would be impatient little worry-worts, so He gave us some encouragement to get through the tough times. Here are some of the things I gathered...

God is all-powerful
And my God will meet all your needs according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:19

Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.
Romans 12:12

But if we hope for what we do not yet have, we wait for it patiently.
Romans 8:25

It's worth it...So don't give up
Therefore we do not lost heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all.
2 Corinthians 4:16

God is with me while I wait
Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:6, 7

God's timing is best
He has made everything beautiful in its time.
Ecclesiastes 3:11

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.
Romans 8:28

All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.
Psalms 139:16

Waiting builds character
We also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope.
Romans 5:3

I hold these verses near and dear to my heart. But even after all of this, waiting still might not be easy--we are entirely human and imperfect. I can't change the fact that I'm waiting, but I can change my perspective. Today I prayed and tried to be thankful for this trying time, because after all, fire purifies gold.

My waiting doesn't mean that God doesn't care.
My waiting doesn't mean that God doesn't hear me.
Waiting means that God, the one who can see EVERYTHING from beginning to end, knows what's best.

And so I humbly ask you, reader, to add my husband and I to your prayer list as we wait.

I would love to add you to my list as well to help strengthen each other during our time of waiting so that we will never lose faith.


Monday, May 11, 2015

Under Grace

We live in a world where everything is instant, but I'm learning that the more important things and lessons, usually are not.

DARN the media for ruining our beautiful females minds in ways we don't even know. I didn't realize how much the media impacted my own mind until I got married.

Before I got married, I had this dream of filling my newlywed house with pillows from Home Goods and finding the perfect trinkets at World Market to go in my kitchen. I thought I would never get frustrated at my newly-wed husband and always have dinner ready.

But not every wife has dinner ready every night. Not every wife is a cleaning machine. Not every wife has all of her hairs perfectly in place and lips puckered, ready for her husband when he gets home. And all of this is okay. But somewhere in my little mind when I got married, it was not.
(Ladies, am I alone on this one?)

After I got married, I quickly realized that I didn't wake up an Insta-wife.

I was trying to juggle a new culture, job, friends, church activities, a husband, and a home without breaking a sweat. Yeah right. (There go the unrealistic Hollywood dreams sneaking in!) Luckily my sweet mother-in-law reminded me that sometimes kitchens are messy and that tomorrow is another day.

Praise the Lord that over time, I learned to be patient and a little kinder to myself as I'm learning how to adjust to my new role and fit everything in its new place. I learned to be more grateful for the little accomplishments and not to let the little things ruin my day.

I'm so glad that being a wife isn't something that is "instant." I have learned and grown so much this past year and wouldn't take back the tough days that taught me what I know now. It's taken me months to be okay with that though! Now, after being married for almost 10 months (whoop, whoop!), I am way more confident, comfortable, and happy with my new role as a wife. And the best part is....that I absolutely LOVE it. :)

This insta-wife thing got me thinking about another area of my life that I expected to be "instant", and that's my relationship with God. I've been learning to rely on God in a whole new way since I've been married. I treasure the quiet mornings I can steal away for my prayer and journal time, but some days it doesn't seem like enough. I should be the perfect Proverbs 31 woman. I should be more spiritual by now. I should do Pathfinders, Youth Vespers, Sabbath School, Sabbath afternoon activities (God forbid I need a REST), and never be overwhelmed or stressed. Yikes...that is not me. And where are all of these crazy expectations coming from?!

I get so frustrated when I fall short. But luckily, no beautifully, God is grace.
For sin shall not be your master, because you are not under law, but under G R A C E. 
Romans 6:14
And boy do I need a truck load of it everyday. God doesn't expect us to have it all together and perfect in order to come to Him. If He did, we wouldn't have needed His sacrifice. He came to set us free. Free from all of the crazy expectations and things that stress me out. He gives me grace.
He gives YOU grace.

My prayer is that we can all continue to grow day by day, in His grace.


Thursday, May 7, 2015

Creativity Fair

Happy May everyone! Is it just me, or did May totally just take over my calendar? I've got graduations, banquets, campouts, and end-of-the-year activities galore this month. Jesus take the wheel.

One of the big highlights for the school year at SDA Elementary is Creativity Fair. Everyone and their mother came out last Thursday for this event--so much fun! (And LOTS of work!)

The first part of the fair is a classroom exhibition where students display their projects and learnings. The second part of the fair is a program for the parents and families come and watch their child's class perform anything from a song, to a skit, to glow-in-the-dark performances (I told you it was fun). After agonizing for far too long what to do with my kids, I decided to do Ancient Egypt!

I divided my class into 6 different areas of study: Archaeologists, Pharaohs, Pyramids, Scribes, Farmers, and Soldiers. All of the kids loved their roles and quickly became experts. They did research, created posters, and other objects (like chariots and scrolls) to display with their project.

Over the month, our classroom looked like a brown box construction zone. I was raiding the local grocery store for boxes like nobody's business. I'm sure they are glad this fair is over! We built a Sphinx, an Obelisk, and a pyramid. Then we painted a mural, a pharaoh photo booth, and made the Nile River out of blue plastic bags. (Credit for the Nile River goes to one of the Student Missionaries here...her creative mind is insane!) Last but not least, like legitimate Egyptians, we made papyrus! It was super easy and what kid doesn't love making a mess? (I actually had one who was going to die from putting his hands in a tub of glue...hilarious) We decorated our papyrus with hieroglyphics and hung them up. Pretty neat, huh?

We put banana leaves all over the tables and decked them with fruit, all donated by the wonderful parents. And of course we had to take advantage of living on an island and covered our walls in coconut branches--all for free! Love this island life!
Needless to say, my kids were P U M P E D.

Once our classroom was on its way to looking good, I wanted us to SOUND good and be ready for our presentations. My students took notes on index cards and practiced their little talks with partners and then in small groups. We focused on eye contact, volume, talking clearly, and how to answer questions.

That evening, the students came to school in their little Egyptian costumes and looked absolutely adorable. Egypt was definitely the right choice.

That night one of the first people to walk around my room for the expo was of course, my husband. He went around to each one of the projects and made sure to ask the kids lots of questions. I was beaming like a proud mama bear at how excited they were and how well they did.

After the expo was time for performances. We performed a wordless skit set to music about giving our hearts to Jesus. Let's just say my eyes weren't the only ones glistening. Maybe when I get back to the States I can upload the video. Just precious.

Everyone did an awesome job--there was singing, some LED light action, and skits. Such a cool night. Definitely one to go down in the books.

Saturday, April 25, 2015

The First of the Lasts

I couldn't believe that this week I started writing lesson plans for May...MAY. Holy cow! It feels like I got to Palau just yesterday.

This week, I went out with a friend of mine who used to be a missionary here in Palau. She's been committed and faithful enough to save up money and come back to the island every few years to visit. I couldn't help but be a little distracted during dinner and think I'm going to have to leave one day, and when I come back, I'll just be a visitor. 

I never thought the day would come when I could count on one hand how many weekends I had left here. If my emotions were translated to emojis, the app would breakdown because I'm literally all over the place. I'm sad, torn, happy, anxious, all of the above. I've grown in ways this year that maybe I would not have, had I not come to Palau. It's the kids, the view as you are driving (and diving!), the simplicity of life, the love of the people, it's everything. I'm attached to say the least.

However, I know there are family and friends who love me back at home, some who have even been missionaries before, and can help me as I re-enter and adjust back to the "real world."

So now it begins, the first of the lasts, because you never really know if you will get to do that one thing, just one more time. 

I studied abroad in Italy for a summer while I was in college and I fell in love with it. I remember the last night so clearly. Me and my friends went to town to enjoy it one last time. We rode the carousel, took the last "touristy" pictures we wanted and soaked it all in. That's the best we could do.

I still dream of Italy and ache to go back someday. I can only imagine how much more I'll miss Palau...

my tanner more Italian days...

10 Things You Didn't Know About Palau

When I started telling people that I was going to be a missionary in Palau, I got asked a lot of questions. "Where in the world is that?" "What is it like there?" I actually didn't know the answers to a lot of the questions myself until I got here. So I thought I would share what I've learned over the past 9 months with you.

Of course there is no way you could ever fit everything there is to know about Palau into 10 simple facts and I am by no means an expert on Palauan life or culture, this is just me sharing a little bit of what I love about Palau with you. Hope you enjoy!


Palau is an island group tucked into the western Pacific Ocean and is part of Micronesia. 

Palau is beautifully and geographically diverse. Never will you ever find coral reefs, limestone islands, white beaches, and luscious hills all in one place. I love it. 

There is such a thing as "island time." People and fellowship are more important than starting exactly on time. 

Storyboards are beautiful carvings of Palauan stories and legends on pieces of mahogany wood. They are all unique and incredibly gorgeous. 

The Rock Islands are by far one of the most beautiful water spots in the world. (I'm entirely bias) When you Google "Palau" these are the images you see. The Rock Islands are famous for diving and other tourist spots, including the famous Jellyfish Lake. 

Jellyfish Lake! This is just one of the 57 marine lakes in Palau. The jellies don't have a sting, at least not one that is usually felt. In all the times we've gone (like 4) nobody has ever been stung. (fingers crossed!) 

Palauans eat lots of rice, taro, and fish. I have come to love this simple meal so much! (P.S. Palau has the BEST fish I have ever eaten)

Palauans raise their eyebrows to say "yes." It's actually really catchy and I do it all the time. 

The internet is slow. I will never complain about slow internet again. But the lack of internet and limited cell phone usage in Palau is a wonderful thing. People actually just drive by your house to see if you are there to hang out! (imagine that!) 

This place is like none other and my heart strings will forever be tied to this island. 

So there you have it. Ten short, random little facts about this place I've called home over the last 10 months. 

Thank you for sticking with me through the slow internet (I warned you) as it has taken me several tries just to get this post up. Keep on reading! 


Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Frump Girl

This year I've had an ongoing joke with my husband that my nickname is "frump girl." Never have I ever worn so many long skirts and had my hair in a bun 6 days of the week. Not to say if you do this that you are indeed Frump Girl, heavens no. It's just a step out of the box for me. (I'm a Florida girl and LOVE my shorts) But I have no problem wearing long skirts in town, and wearing my hair up is actually preferable since it's always a million degrees in Palau.

But today something RADICAL happened to me.

I walked into the bathroom this morning and stared at the girl in the mirror. Same skirts, same polos, same hair in a bun for 6 days of the week. And what in the world am I going to do with this bare face? Are those new wrinkles? Don't get me started. So I thought I'd spruce myself up and wear my most favorite eyeliner in the world. I put it on...smiled in the mirror...changed my hair...walked out of the bathroom...walked back in...and then took it off. I wasn't convinced. I wasn't feeling it.

It's been such a rare occasion that I wear makeup here in Palau that for once in my life, I preferred NOT to wear eyeliner. (younger me gasps) I actually liked how I looked without it. This is huge for me considering that at one point in highschool I wouldn't be caught dead without it. But as I've gotten older I've gradually embraced a more 'natural' face, and here in Palau I'm learning to love it even more.

I won't ever deny my love for eyeliner and makeup and all things glitter and girly. And I know I'll be back for it soon. But today I'm glad that I can also choose not to have those things, and still feel just as beautiful. I hope you do too.

Maybe frump isn't so frumpy...

Thursday, April 2, 2015

The Last 8 Weeks

Happy April friends!
I took a look at my calendar at after getting back from Spring Break last week and holy cow! There are only 8 weeks left until this school year is over!

This year is my 3rd year teaching and my 2nd year with my own classroom. Last year I was sad to leave my students and school because they were my first class. They were adorable little 1st graders, how could I not love them? They hung on every word I said, showered me with hugs, and made me laugh all day long. I was scared that my new "big" 4th graders wouldn't like me-- that I wouldn't enjoy my new school. I couldn't have been more wrong.

I can't pinpoint exactly when it happened, but before I knew it my new and "big" 4th graders became mine. They became my "kids." When you're a teacher (I'm sure many teachers feel the same way I do) that's what happens. It is no longer "my students" it's "my kids." I got myself into trouble one time talking with someone and said "my kids"and she said "Oh! How many do you have?" Uh...Yikes! "No! I said, I don't have children, I meant my students." (Gotta be careful with that one before people get excited. ha!)

Now I have just 8 weeks left with "my kids" and I'm already starting to get all emotional about it! This year has flown by and I wouldn't trade my "big" 4th graders for the world. So here are just a few little snippets, projects, and smiles from this year so far.

Stomach Acid! Fun! I threw some croutons, cereal, chips, and lemon juice into a ziplock bag. Let the kids shake it around for a few minutes and you've got a stomach acid experiment!  

The kids had to find common household objects that would normally get thrown away and find a creative way to reuse it!

Sorting past, present, and future tense verbs.

Hold it Up! I read sentences and the kids had to determine whether it was past, present, or future tense by holding up their cards. (We spent a lot of time on this topic!) 

Making volcanoes! Because 4th grade isn't complete until you do them. 

A little bit of fraction action. We learned how to make unit fraction parts (3rds, 4ths, 5th, etc.) then they got to make a picture with their cut outs! 

I love this goofy, smart, loving, and energetic bunch. God knows how much I needed them this year.